Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2010 Aprilia Shiver 750

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2010 Aprilia Shiver 750 Wallpaper2010 Aprilia Shiver 750 Wallpaper

2010 Aprilia Shiver 750 Engine2010 Aprilia Shiver 750 Engine

2010 Aprilia Shiver 750 Image2010 Aprilia Shiver 750 Image

Sunday, December 20, 2009

2010 Ducati 848 Sport Bike

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2010 Ducati 848 Picture2010 Ducati 848 Picture

2010 Ducati 848 Rear Angle View2010 Ducati 848 Rear Angle View

2010 Triumph Street Triple R

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2010 Triumph Street Triple R Suspension2010 Triumph Street Triple R Suspension

2010 Triumph Street Triple R Picture2010 Triumph Street Triple R Picture

2010 Triumph Street Triple R Bodywork2010 Triumph Street Triple R Bodywork

2010 Triumph Street Triple R Engine2010 Triumph Street Triple R Engine

2010 Triumph Street Triple R Sport Bike2010 Triumph Street Triple R Sport Bike

2010 Triumph Street Triple R Brakes2010 Triumph Street Triple R Brakes

2010 Ducati Monster 696 Gallery

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2010 Ducati Monster 696 Motorcycle Wallpaper2010 Ducati Monster 696 Motorcycle Wallpaper

2010 Ducati Monster 696 Red2010 Ducati Monster 696 Red

2010 Ducati Monster 696 Sport Touring2010 Ducati Monster 696 Sport Touring

2010 Ducati Monster 696 Picture2010 Ducati Monster 696 Picture

2010 Ducati Monster 696 in Action2010 Ducati Monster 696 in Action

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Motor duck changed so skutik, but bodinya bongsor (large). However, the duet from Johanes Hanafi home modification and X-16 tomy tomy Gunawan's Airbrush reorganize the Yamaha Jupiter-Z is named as the works of their Next-G. Shape almost similar to the jetski.

The concept of Next-G be regarded unique. There are two jobs created both before large Jupiter-Z model so Next-G. According to John, a body's affairs responsibilities, while the engine been tomy. Basically, they work with.

John recognized that the body swell Jupiter is not easy. Breket that have kept the original and some are strengthened, especially the front and back of the body must be calculated so that the scooter can go big.

After that, the body construction grip front nose dimensions changed because Next-G is sharp and wide. How to apply also to time use the back. Dipapas order and re-designed according to the length and width dimensions of the middle and back.

Not to connect with the right angle plate so that the burden of a new tail can be arrested. Change how the body enggak refer to Next-G. To note, that the transmission system been tomy. When the engine start, automatic cash teeth into one. Unfortunately, when asked to kru's X-16 tomy and nothing can explain how to operate the gear shift Next-G.

Electronic Fuel Injection Teknologi Otomotif Yang Ramah Lingkungan

Bagi yang suka barang otomotif pastinya sudah sering dengar dengan istilah Electronic Fuel Injection yang sekarang ini banyak dipakai oleh motor-motor keluaran terbaru. Terus yang namanya Electronic Fuel Injection itu sebenarnya seperti apa dan kerja sistem teknologi ini gimana.

Menurut penjelasan dari beberapa praktisi dan lembaga yang kerjaannya biasa menangani urusan otomotif. Teknologi Electronic Fuel Injection itu artinya sistem injeksi bahan bakar, karburasi digital yang digunakan sebagai pengganti karburator (karburasi manual). Sekarang ini banyak diterapkan pada mesin sepeda motor keluaran beberapa tahun belakangan ini. Teknologi ini dibuat, tujuannya untuk menghemat penggunaan bahan bakar dan mengurangi kadar gas buang (emisi) yang dihasilkan, kata lainnya ramah lingkungan.

Sistem injection yang digunakan pada sepeda motor sudah ada yang dikendalikan oleh ECM (Electronic Control Module), jumlah dan waktu suplai bahan bakar diatur dengan sangat presisi disesuaikan kondisi putaran mesin. Hasilnya motor menjadi sangat irit bensin. Untuk melihat cara proses kerjanya bisa melalui pada panel speedometer yang dilengkapi dengan MIL (Malfunction Indicator Lamp), sewaktu lampu indikator akan hidup kalau ada gangguan. Sebagai pengamannya sepeda motor ini dilengkapi dengan BAS (Bank Angel Sensor), dimana sistem elektrik dan suplai bahan bakar otomatis akan mati kalau sepeda motor jatuh.

Teknologi injection ini awalnya diterapkan pada mobil, tapi kalau melihat jumlah motor di perkotaan yang sudah mencapai jutaan maka pabrik motor ternama mulai menerapkannya. Penerapan teknologi injection untuk memenuhi standar Euro 2 tentang kadar emisi gas yang dibuang oleh kendaraan bermotor. Pabrikan motor memang seharusnya peduli sama kondisi bumi kita yang lapisan ozon-nya makin menipis ini (dari berbagai sumber).sph

Gasoline Direct Injection – GDI

In internal combustion engines, gasoline direct injection is a variant of fuel injection employed in modern two- and four- stroke petrol engines. The petrol/gasoline is highly pressurised, and injected via a common rail fuel line directly into the combustion chamber of each cylinder, as opposed to conventional multi-point fuel injection that happens in the intake tract, or cylinder port.

In some applications, gasoline direct injection enables a stratified fuel charge (ultra lean burn) combustion for improved fuel efficiency, and reduced emission levels at low load.

Salah satu latest innovation dalam hal combustion mesin bensin adalah teknologi Direct Injection. Kalau selama ini mesin bensin menggunakan sistem port injection, dimana bahan bakar/fuel di semprotkan pada intake manifold, maka pada teknologi GDI bahan bakar langsung di inject kedalam ruang bakar seperti halnya mesin Diesel. Maka tidak salah kalau ada yang mengatakan GDI adalah hybrid antara mesin bensin dan diesel. So apa dibalik penemuan ini???Tentunya dorongan untuk menghasilkan sistem pembakaran mesin bensin yang lebih efisien, powerful dan ramah lingkungan. Bagaimana ketiga hal itu bisa dicapai oleh Sistem ini???

Saturday, December 12, 2009

2010 BMW K1300S Wallpapers

2010 BMW K1300S Action2010 BMW K1300S Action

2010 BMW K1300S Sport Bike2010 BMW K1300S Sport Bike

2010 BMW K1300S Wallpaper2010 BMW K1300S Wallpaper

2010 BMW K1300S Motor Sport2010 BMW K1300S Motor Sport

2010 BMW K1300S Photo2010 BMW K1300S Photo

2010 BMW K1300S Rear Side View2010 BMW K1300S Rear Side View

2010 Aprilia RSV4 Factory Images

2010 Aprilia RSV4 Factory in Action2010 Aprilia RSV4 Factory in Action

2010 Aprilia RSV4 Factory Front Angle View2010 Aprilia RSV4 Factory Front Angle View

2010 Aprilia RSV4 Factory on Track2010 Aprilia RSV4 Factory on Track

2010 Aprilia RSV4 Factory Picture2010 Aprilia RSV4 Factory Picture

2010 Aprilia RSV4 Factory First Look2010 Aprilia RSV4 Factory First Look

2010 Aprilia RSV4 Factory Superbike2010 Aprilia RSV4 Factory Superbike

2010 Aprilia RSV4 Factory Rear Angle View2010 Aprilia RSV4 Factory Rear Angle View

2010 Norton NRV588 Race

2010 Norton NRV588 Race Front View2010 Norton NRV588 Race Front View

2010 Norton NRV588 Race Image2010 Norton NRV588 Race Image

2010 Norton NRV588 Race Rear Angle View2010 Norton NRV588 Race Rear Angle View

2010 Norton NRV588 Race Sport Bike2010 Norton NRV588 Race Sport Bike

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Yamaha Jupiter MX is one type of duck sport present in Indonesia. Tampangnya the sporty 135 cc engine and the use of water cooling (radiator) and also made a clutch type motor duck the behavior at this time.

Tampangnya a sporty can still be modified or amended in order to appear more sporty I take some pictures from some website about modifications Jupiter MX
with the addition of the wing and the engine down jupiter mx more sporty and is paired jupiter z light to the front and without lights on.

Jupiter MX Modification