The helicopter is an aircraft that picked up and driven by one or more rotors (propeller) large horizontal. Helicopters are classified as-rotating wing aircraft to distinguish them from ordinary fixed-wing aircraft other. The word comes from the Greek helicopter helix (spiral) and pteron (wing). The helicopter operated by the machine invented by the inventor of Slovakia in January Bahyl.
Compared with other fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters are more complex and more expensive to buy and operate, rather slow, has a close distance and roaming charges are limited. While the advantage is its movement; helicopters capable of flying in space, backward, and take off and land vertically. Limited in the addition of fuel facilities and load / altitude, the helicopter can fly to any location, and land anywhere with a pitch of the rotor and a half in diameter. Called a helipad helipad.
The working principle Helicopters
Helicopters can fly because of lift generated by air flow generated by the blades of the propeller rotor. Propeller was a stream of air flow from top to bottom. Air flow in such a swift so that they can lift objects weighing dozens of tons. His theory is actually quite simple but practically complex.
In essence, the basic principles of flying fixed wing aircraft (fixed wing) with a helicopter which is also known rotary winged aircraft is essentially fixed. The key was on the two major forces that work integrated, produce lift and thrust are great.
On the strength of the first fixed wing aircraft produced by the air flow at the surface of the wings that form a certain angle with small wings that flap in the rear wing of the position upheld. So that the air flow flowing backwards could be directed back to the top. The air flowing at the bottom of the wing surface pressure is relatively flat surface of the wing was involved pressing upward causing the lift and cause the plane upward. At least 15 percent of the total force generated, used to lift the fuselage upward.
Another major strength is the thrust produced by the flow of air in the upper wing surface is relatively curved shape. When the air flow generated by the engine flows into the rear and through the main wing, the airflow is divided. Air stream flowing over the wing upper surface is more rapid than the flow of air that hit the bottom of the wing surface. But the pressure of air flowing over the wing upper surface, relatively small compared with the air pressure in the lower wing surface is precisely the flow is less heavy. This air pressure difference causes the wing upward. To imagine how much lift it, the theory states that the air pressure difference of 2.5 ounces per square inch to produce lift 20 pounds per square foot (1 foot = 20 cm). Can be calculated, if the wing area 1000 square feet, the lift force generated will reach 10 tons.
In the helicopter, the function of the wing was replaced by propeller blades though each smaller than a regular airplane wing, but when played, curvanya relatively similar to the wing. To get the lift, the rotor blades must be directed at a particular position so as to form a large angle. The principle is the same as fixed wing aircraft, the helicopter there are two major forces that influence each other. Air flow moving forward propeller blades so that the pressing blade propeller driven back to back results in a small lift. But when when the flow of air moving quickly over the top and bottom of the blades of the propeller, a large air pressure between the blades will automatically expand to the entire surface of the lower pressure, causing the propeller driven up and the helicopter were drawn. Remember, even though the blades of the propeller is just a few pieces, but in a state of racing, he will form a flat surface and the air is pressed onto the large pressure menimbukan which eventually resulted in a greater lift. This principle is equivalent to the propellers on the aircraft-engine turboprop and the same with "propeller" children's toys.
Some of the helicopters used in warfare, such as Mi-26 Hind for example equipped with small wings called the Canard, the first function to relieve the burden on the main rotor and the second to increase the rate and extend the reach cruising speed. Another function is as a hanger weapons, missiles and others. By adding this short wings, the functional differences between fixed plane with a helicopter to be vague. Fixed wing aircraft is also capable of flying-landing vertically (Vertical Take-off Landing / VTOL). Contonya, of a kind Sea Harrier AV-8 Harrier or Harrier.
Excess fixed wing aircraft, especially about the flight because the plane of this type have a wide platform that is relatively more stable during flight. Questions flew it, it matters set aileron on the wing and vertical stabilizer and the existing flat on the tail. But the helicopter is not the case. When the blades of the propeller rotornya rotornya own produce lift themselves working on it move the air down as much. While the weight of the displaced air thus reducing the heavy helicopter helicopter lifted. And if the helicopter was lifted, means there is a balance between the weight of air displaced from the top down with the weight of helicopter. To operate the helicopter was there the usual steering tool disebutcollective pitch and cyclic pitch of each function as a regulator and booster lift helicopters for moving forward. So simple how it works, but transforming in a technology job really very complicated.
Tail rotor
Similarly, the rotor configuration, not just to rotate and fly and float. Because the propeller rotated setap will always cause torque generally termed torque. To eliminate or counteract the power play that could cause the helicopter body is spinning, it needs to be installed antitorque.
This can be Antitorque tail rotor or tail rotor mounted on the tail of the aircraft that also serves as a rudder. This configuration can be seen in the general helicopter like the Bell-412, Bell-205 or UH-1 Huey, or NBO-105, and AS-330 Puma or Super Puma AS-335, AH-64 Apache or the Mi-24 Hind. Selin using the tail rotor, there are still some other Desai. For example, using a tandem system as used on helicopter Boeing CH-47 Chinook or CH-46 Sea Knight. Both the rotor, which together are large each placed in front of and behind the helicopter body. Both symmetrical but has a round in the opposite direction. That is to negate each other round effects arising from each other, intermesh in popular language. Another way is to configure egg-beater. This design configuration as used on helicopter Kamov Ka-25 Russian-made or Kaman HH-43 Husky. Both the blades of the same magnitude was placed in one axis, separated from each other where a single rotor mounted above the other. Both are rotating in opposite directions. That is to eliminate the effects of rotation or torque.
Other Ways Than the three above, Also made the configuration without a tail rotor. This helicopter is called NOTAR (No Tail Rotor) system has a Slightly different with the existing system of Nowhere the use of a blast of hot gas from the main engine is channeled through the tail tube. Examples are MD-902 Explorer helicopter
On or Tilt Rotor Rotor and Wing On or Tilt Wing
Takeoff and landing style characterized by helicopter but fly fixed wing aircraft types is a concept embraced by helicopter of this type. The easiest way is to incorporate the concept of working helicopters with fixed wing aircraft in a single form.
The principle works technically, when the main rotor is directed upward by the vertical movement can be done while helikoter when the rotor is directed forward or backward (as pursher or driving) then the characters fly like a plane can still be obtained. Rotor motion such as this do not need to involve the wings.
Actually the development of active rotor is still covered with uncertainty, the problem is the system that you want can be called a fixed wing aircraft because it has a large berlumayan wings, tail plane and also have a fixed wing aircraft configured with ordinary. Finally, this concept called the hybrid concept. Examples of this helicopter is the V-22 Osprey. In addition to the active rotor concepts, there is also an active wing concept, which is driven rotor as the rotor is not active but the wing plane. While the engine remained in his position. Examples of this helicopter is the TW-68 is designed by Ishida Corporation, Japan, this design was mentioned refer to as having a more compact design compared to the active rotor sustainability unfortunately just is not so sound.
Helicopter Jump Seats
Compared to the normal plane, especially fighter aircraft, helicopters are generally not equipped with ejection seats. This is due to face the problem of helicopter rotor during launch ejection seats as well as helicopters generally fly lower so more vulnerable. However, the Russian helicopter, Kamov Ka-50 hokum that uses specially designed ejection seats like Zvesda K-37-800. Step it works is when the ejection seat is activated, the rotor was blown up and out of position, then both sides of the glass cockpit open and active towing an interesting rocket pilots and helicopters kirsinya out of the body. Although considered complicated, future helicopter will be equipped with ejection seats
Discovery Helicopters
Actually, the helicopter trip into a form that is known at the time this takes quite a long period of time. In the process, also involves the development of technology and also the inventor and developer helikoter.
The first helicopter flew the man is the Breguet-Richet helicopter, 1907. Heli is flying in Douai, France on September 29, 1907. Helicopters are still getting help from four people who hold all four feet. This effort did not get a good record as the first helicopter to fly free. However, this proves the success of the helicopter vertical flight theory that time was still considered a theory. This is the first machine that can fly by itself carry a pilot vertically as a result of wing lift swivel. Heli uses powerful 50 hp Antoinette engine.
Flying helicopters actually done by Paul Cutaneous using a twin-engine helicopters Antoinette 24 hp at Lisieux, France on November 13, 1907. The flight lasted 20 seconds to a height of 0.3 meter. While the first Gyroplane Helicopter type C4 achieved by artificial Autogiro Juan de la Cierva. Autogiro first flew on January 9, 1923. The secret of success in the adoption of a joint system of flapping hinges the blades to the rotor head. While the helicopter which first flew successfully carried out by type of Fock Wulf FW-61 double berotor designed by Professor Heinrich Focke in the year 1933-1934. The helicopter was doing flying debut on June 26, 1936 and powered by Siemens-Halske Sh 14A-powered 160 hp. Heli was flown by Ewald Rohlfs. Heli fly as far as this record 122.35 km and long flown one hour 20 minutes 49 seconds. At other times he flew to a height of 3427 meters and record the speed of 122 miles / hour.
Helicopter pioneer developer of technology
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
Leonardo da Vinci actually developed the concept of vertical flight and was previously a children's toy from the plains of China, it is unclear exactly since when children's toys was developed there and who inisiatornya or discoverer. In 1483 Leonardo da Vinci developed the concept of the screw flight.
Sir George Cayley (1773-1857)
Sir George Cayley is known as an engineer and innovator in air navigation and aerodynamics. One of the introduction of the term angle of attack in the world of aviation. In history, he is a figure who develop fixed-wing aircraft and gliders or gliders however, he developed the rotary wing or helicopter. Helicopters are the introduction of a compilation of wood, fur, cork and wire.
In 1842, Cayley designed the helicopter better, especially when they know that spin the propeller can lead to disastrous and require antidotes. Deterrence theory is also presented by him. To be able to fly, this helikpter put two rotors which move in opposite directions. Although the design is not yet tangible helicopter with an airborne helicopter, the concept used by the Kamov helicopters from Russia and Focke of Germany.
Nikolai Egorovich Zhikovsky (1847-1921)
Zhukovsky aviation career began with pursue mathematics, hydrodynamics and aerodynamics. Zhukovsky then discovered the world's first wind tunnel to test the aerodynamic technology. Falls in the development of a helicopter in 1910 and in World War I developed a lot of airplanes and helicopters
Juan de la Cierva (1895-1936)
Cierva developed a helicopter after a homemade double-winged bomber fell in 1919, the reason is the stability of the helicopter sees higher. In developing the design helicopter, Cierva ignore the various theories developed previously, using the newly-made designs which are based on the theory he developed through various experiments. Autogiro which is resulting in a hodgepodge concept aircraft between aircraft flying generally so that it can perform a vertical landing, half helicopter and half airplane. Autogiro Cierva flew in 1923. Five years later Cierva do Autogiro flights around Europe with more than 5000 km as far as he promoted. His efforts were not in vain because Autogiro a number of industrial design is great demand in Europe. Autogiro Cierva died in an accident in Croydon in 1936.
Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky (1889-1972)
Sikorsky took an interest in flight by designing various aircraft models including a helicopter from an early age. At first he entered the Naval Academy in St. Petersburg who later resigned and went to Paris to explore the science of engineering and aviation. After Paris, he returned to Kiev, Ukraine and develop the helicopter but failed. Sikorsky Bolshevik Revolution forced to move to Paris and then settled in the United States.
In 1939 he flew his first helicopter VS-300 and during its development, has recorded several record helicopter flight. Until entering the 21st century there are about 40,000 man-made Sikorsky helicopters flying in various parts of the world.
Mikhail Mill (1909-1970)
As with Sikorsy, Mill took an interest in aviation early age. He won the competition model airplanes at age 12. He then entered the Aviation Institute in Novocherkassk and develop the first autogiro with supervision and guidance of Kamov and Skrzhinsky. After graduating in 1931, he entered the center of the Russian aerodynamics TsAGi, and it was here doing research on helicopter aerodynamics with an emphasis on stability and design of the rotor.
In 1947, Miles was appointed head of design of new helicopters and helicopters bring GM-1 is known to be a Mi-1 Hare. Success Hare guide further development of the most famous helicopters like Mi-4, Mil Mi-6 Hook Mi-8 and others.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Saab JAS 39 Gripen Aircraft
Saab JAS 39 "Gripen" (Griffin) is a fighter aircraft from Sweden, produced by Saab. The aircraft was sold by the company Gripen International, a joint venture between Saab and BAE Systems. This aircraft has been used by Swedish air force, Czech Republic, and Hungary, and has been ordered by South Africa and Thailand.
in designing this aircraft Saab kanard choose a design that is not stable. Kanard provides pitch rate is high and low resistance to allow aircraft to fly faster, farther and more mengankut load.
The combination of delta wing and Gripen Kanard provide better performance in terms of character fly and take off and land. The total integrated avionics make the aircraft is capable of "program". The aircraft also has an internal electronic warfare devices, enabling him to carry the maximum load without compromising the ability of electronic war.
The desired capability for Gripen from scratch is able to take off from runway 800 meter.Pada original project, all flights conducted from Saab in Linköping basis using reference a "line of the box" measuring 9 m × 800 m runway, runway painted. Braking distance is also shortened by enlarging the air brake (use control surfaces to push the aircraft toward the bottom, making it more powerful brake pressed down and the next step is to rotate kanard forward, memngubah kanard into large air brakes, to push the aircraft down even worse.
One interesting capability of the Gripen is the ability to land on public roads, which is one of Sweden's defense strategy. Once landed, the plane can be filled with fuel and armed again in 10 minutes by 5 people ground crew operating out of a truck, then Gripen flying back to carry out its mission.
For long-term Saab consider using newer machines such as General Electric F414 or a thrust-vectoring version of the Eurofighter Typhoon's EJ200 engine and additional fuel tanks or a fuselage extension separately mileage even further.
Gripen menggukan PS-05 / A pulse-doppler radar, made by Ericsson and GEC-Marconi, and based on the Blue Vixen radar-owned Sea Harrier (which also inspired the Eurofighter's radar CAPTOR).
The radar is capable of detecting, tracking the location, identify and automatically track multiple targets at the top or bottom of the aircraft, sea land and air, in all weather conditions.
in designing this aircraft Saab kanard choose a design that is not stable. Kanard provides pitch rate is high and low resistance to allow aircraft to fly faster, farther and more mengankut load.
The combination of delta wing and Gripen Kanard provide better performance in terms of character fly and take off and land. The total integrated avionics make the aircraft is capable of "program". The aircraft also has an internal electronic warfare devices, enabling him to carry the maximum load without compromising the ability of electronic war.
The desired capability for Gripen from scratch is able to take off from runway 800 meter.Pada original project, all flights conducted from Saab in Linköping basis using reference a "line of the box" measuring 9 m × 800 m runway, runway painted. Braking distance is also shortened by enlarging the air brake (use control surfaces to push the aircraft toward the bottom, making it more powerful brake pressed down and the next step is to rotate kanard forward, memngubah kanard into large air brakes, to push the aircraft down even worse.
One interesting capability of the Gripen is the ability to land on public roads, which is one of Sweden's defense strategy. Once landed, the plane can be filled with fuel and armed again in 10 minutes by 5 people ground crew operating out of a truck, then Gripen flying back to carry out its mission.
For long-term Saab consider using newer machines such as General Electric F414 or a thrust-vectoring version of the Eurofighter Typhoon's EJ200 engine and additional fuel tanks or a fuselage extension separately mileage even further.
Gripen menggukan PS-05 / A pulse-doppler radar, made by Ericsson and GEC-Marconi, and based on the Blue Vixen radar-owned Sea Harrier (which also inspired the Eurofighter's radar CAPTOR).
The radar is capable of detecting, tracking the location, identify and automatically track multiple targets at the top or bottom of the aircraft, sea land and air, in all weather conditions.
Overview Saab Company
SAAB (originally an acronym for "Svenska Aeroplan AB." "AB" stands for "aktiebolaget" or the "Company") was established as a company SAAB aircraft in 1937 in the town of Linköping, Sweden.
After World War II Saab also started producing cars through the company Saab Automobile. The company was then purchased half by General Motors in 1990, and then the remaining ten years later.
Saab also started a computer business in the late 1950s with the name Datasaab.
In 1969 Saab took the truck maker Scania AB, and between 1969 and 1995 the company was called the Saab-Scania.
In 1995, Saab Military Aircraft and BAE Systems formed a joint venture company Saab-BAe Gripen AB, with the aim of adapting, producing, marketing and supporting Gripen internationally.
BAE SYSTEMS designs and perfect wing. Saab Military Aircraft is responsible for the overall aircraft system, including basic aircraft development and production, and testing of delivery as well.
In 1998 BAE Systems to take over 35% of Saab Military Aircraft.
After World War II Saab also started producing cars through the company Saab Automobile. The company was then purchased half by General Motors in 1990, and then the remaining ten years later.
Saab also started a computer business in the late 1950s with the name Datasaab.
In 1969 Saab took the truck maker Scania AB, and between 1969 and 1995 the company was called the Saab-Scania.
In 1995, Saab Military Aircraft and BAE Systems formed a joint venture company Saab-BAe Gripen AB, with the aim of adapting, producing, marketing and supporting Gripen internationally.
BAE SYSTEMS designs and perfect wing. Saab Military Aircraft is responsible for the overall aircraft system, including basic aircraft development and production, and testing of delivery as well.
In 1998 BAE Systems to take over 35% of Saab Military Aircraft.
car company,
world automotive
Nissan at Glance
Nissan Motor Co.., Ltd.., or abbreviated as Nissan Motors or simply Nissan, is a Japanese automotive industry which used to market the Datsun brand products until 1983. Its main office is located in the Ginza area of Chuo-ku, Tokyo but Nissan plans to move their main offices to Yokohama, Kanagawa in 2010, where construction has started in 2007.
Nissan, Nissan Motor Co. the full name., Ltd.. (Nissan Jidōsha Kabushiki-gaisha) (TYO: 7201, NASDAQ: NSANY)-is the second largest automotive company in Japan after Toyota and is one of Asia's three main contender in the United States.
Together with their alliance, Renault, Nissan became the fourth largest producer in the world
Nissan, Nissan Motor Co. the full name., Ltd.. (Nissan Jidōsha Kabushiki-gaisha) (TYO: 7201, NASDAQ: NSANY)-is the second largest automotive company in Japan after Toyota and is one of Asia's three main contender in the United States.
Together with their alliance, Renault, Nissan became the fourth largest producer in the world
Nissan Car Model
Overview The Infiniti Automobile
Infiniti is a Japanese automobile company which is the luxury division of Nissan Motor Co.., Ltd. .. The company was founded on November 8, 1989 in North America and now the operation grew into the Middle East, South Korea, Russia, China, Taiwan, and Ukraine. Infiniti operates in a number of other European countries from late 2008. Headquartered in Tokyo. The company now operates in 15 countries and has 230 dealers worldwide.
Infiniti name not be used in Japan, so all models sold under the brand Nissan Infiniti: G37 sedan / coupe (Nissan Skyline Coupe), M35/45 (Nissan fugue), EX35 (Nissan Skyline Crossover) and Q45 (Nissan Cima). Infiniti FX are not sold in Japan.
Infiniti brand was introduced in the United States in 1989. Infiniti trying to produce premium cars in the U.S. who are not suitable imagenya with most Nissan products. Infiniti Q45 was first launched, the pemgembangannya by Nissan president with a smaller wheelbase. Q45 V8 engine equipped with a power 278 hp (207 kW), four-wheel steering and active suspension system. Thus, the Q45 can be competitive with other luxury sedan range Mercedes S-Class, BMW 7 series, Jaguar XJ and Cadillac Fleetwood. However, the Q45 only managed to sell fewer than its competitors from Toyota, Lexus LS.
Infiniti also launched a 2-door M30 coupe (1990) are equipped with engines that emit coded VG30E power 162 hp (121 kW). M30 coupe weighs 1540 kilograms and equipped with automatic transmission.
In 1991, Infiniti launched the third model with the launch of the Infiniti G20 which is the development of the Nissan Primera and the luxury models of the Nissan Sunny. Infiniti G20 have coded engine SR20DE and powerful 150 bhp (112 kW/152 PS) with a multi-port fuel injection to improve performance.
1992 Infiniti J30 launched VG30DE coded engine powered by 210 hp
Infiniti name not be used in Japan, so all models sold under the brand Nissan Infiniti: G37 sedan / coupe (Nissan Skyline Coupe), M35/45 (Nissan fugue), EX35 (Nissan Skyline Crossover) and Q45 (Nissan Cima). Infiniti FX are not sold in Japan.
Infiniti brand was introduced in the United States in 1989. Infiniti trying to produce premium cars in the U.S. who are not suitable imagenya with most Nissan products. Infiniti Q45 was first launched, the pemgembangannya by Nissan president with a smaller wheelbase. Q45 V8 engine equipped with a power 278 hp (207 kW), four-wheel steering and active suspension system. Thus, the Q45 can be competitive with other luxury sedan range Mercedes S-Class, BMW 7 series, Jaguar XJ and Cadillac Fleetwood. However, the Q45 only managed to sell fewer than its competitors from Toyota, Lexus LS.
Infiniti also launched a 2-door M30 coupe (1990) are equipped with engines that emit coded VG30E power 162 hp (121 kW). M30 coupe weighs 1540 kilograms and equipped with automatic transmission.
In 1991, Infiniti launched the third model with the launch of the Infiniti G20 which is the development of the Nissan Primera and the luxury models of the Nissan Sunny. Infiniti G20 have coded engine SR20DE and powerful 150 bhp (112 kW/152 PS) with a multi-port fuel injection to improve performance.
1992 Infiniti J30 launched VG30DE coded engine powered by 210 hp
About Isuzu Motor Ltd
Isuzu Motors Ltd.. Isuzu Jidōsha Kabushiki-Kaisha?), (TYO: 7202) is a Japanese automotive company that produces various kinds of diesel-engined vehicles. Isuzu mostly produce commercial vehicles and heavy trucks. The company is headquartered in Tokyo, was founded in 1937. In 2005, Isuzu was the producer of medium trucks and large trucks are the largest in the world. This company has a plant in Fujisawa, Tochigi and Hokkaido prefecture.
The company is famous for its diesel engine, producing 16 million dieseln machine in 2003, and can be found all over the world.
The company employs 7371 workers in 2007.
In Asia, Africa, and Europe, Isuzu is known many of his truck with all sizes, after sedan and compact car sales decline very drastically the late 1990s, and therefore also Isuzu closed.
In 2006, Isuzu to make an alliance with Toyota Motor Corporation by Toyota bought 5.9% shares of Isuzu.
The company is famous for its diesel engine, producing 16 million dieseln machine in 2003, and can be found all over the world.
Publish Post
The company employs 7371 workers in 2007.
In Asia, Africa, and Europe, Isuzu is known many of his truck with all sizes, after sedan and compact car sales decline very drastically the late 1990s, and therefore also Isuzu closed.
In 2006, Isuzu to make an alliance with Toyota Motor Corporation by Toyota bought 5.9% shares of Isuzu.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Finding The Best Motor Homes
There are some things you need to know before buying motor homes. Motor homes or motorized recreational vehicles (RVs) come in different classes. Two of those classes are usually confused with each other, those being class A and class C motor homes. It's essential to look at the physical appearance of the motor home in order to determine whether it is class A or class C. Class A motor homes resemble a bus design with a flat or vertical front end and large windows while hand class C motor homes have a truck cab with an over-cab bed, in some ways resembling a camper.
Considered to be top of the line, Class A motor homes measure at about 24 feet or 7.3 meters and can be as long as 40 feet or 12 meters. Their weight can range between 15,000 to 30,000 pounds or 6,804 to 13, 608 kg; the undercarriage may be custom or a 3 to 10 ton truck chassis. Class A motor homes come with each of the luxury amenities you can fathom like a kitchen, a bathroom with shower and a tub, and sometimes a separate bedroom at the back depending o the floor plan of the truck. They also have heating and air conditioning, hot and cold running water, 100-125 volt electrical system, a dinette or living room area complete with couch and recliners, closets and an entertainment center. This is just the tip of the iceberg. In fact, some of these motor homes can be more elaborate than homes themselves.
Class A motor homes are usually utilized by famous bands especially when they are in tour. There are also some rich families that own Class A motor homes for vacation and travel. A Class A motor home is perfect for those who can afford its high cost. Most Class A motor homes have all leather interior, a wet bar, big screen TVs, an advanced sound system and other high technology that may not be available to lower income families.
Depending on the model and the floor plan a class A RV can accommodate up to 8 people. But all of this luxury comes at a price. New, lower-end models are sold at up to $50,000 US dollars while larger and much nicer class A RVs can even cost more than any house in many states coming in at about $300,000+. Class A RVs are really very expensive; in fact even used class A RV can still be sold for $30,000-$40,000. If you prefer luxury lines, you may start saving about $325,000 up to over $1 million if you prefer the crème de la crème of all RVs.
Last but not least are Class C motor homes. Class C motor homes can also come in very luxurious models or more economical ones depending on your budget. They are much lighter in weight, ranging only from 10,000 to 15,000 pounds and generally run from just under 20 to 44 feet in length. They are constructed on cutaway chassis depending on the model. The cab is usually similar to that of the truck with a bunk above plus a rear bedroom. Just like the class A, Class C motor homes have all the amenities of home including kitchen, bathroom, dinette, heating and air conditioning system, and an entertainment center for additional cost.
Dinettes are not always present in class C motor homes and if ever there is one included, it usually converts into a double bed. If a dinette is not present, two captain chairs are available instead. Sometimes, the motor homes contain a couch and chairs instead of captain chairs. The couch may also be turned into a sleeper couch.
Because of the overcab bed, a Class C motor home can sleep more than a comparable Class A motor home, accommodating up to 10 people are accommodated. The cost of class C motor homes ranges from $50,000 to $170,000.
The common features of Class A and Class C motor homes are their slide-out wherein with a simple touch of a button the wall of the living room expands outwards to extend the living space by several inches.
Another type of motor home is the Class B which is usually referred to as van conversion. Class B motor homes look like pop-top camper vans and are self contained but cramped compared to their big motor home counterparts. The advantage of purchasing a Class B motor home is in terms of handling and size that is if you don't want spacious motor home. They are usually promoted as a place to sleep more than what is deemed comfortable by most people. The class B motor home can also be used as a second car. Its price ranges from $38,000 to $75,000.
Motor homes are great for camping, road trips, or just simply living in style. If you are interested in purchasing a motor home, it is definitely wise to take time to do some comparison shopping and research as these motor homes can prove to be very expensive.
Considered to be top of the line, Class A motor homes measure at about 24 feet or 7.3 meters and can be as long as 40 feet or 12 meters. Their weight can range between 15,000 to 30,000 pounds or 6,804 to 13, 608 kg; the undercarriage may be custom or a 3 to 10 ton truck chassis. Class A motor homes come with each of the luxury amenities you can fathom like a kitchen, a bathroom with shower and a tub, and sometimes a separate bedroom at the back depending o the floor plan of the truck. They also have heating and air conditioning, hot and cold running water, 100-125 volt electrical system, a dinette or living room area complete with couch and recliners, closets and an entertainment center. This is just the tip of the iceberg. In fact, some of these motor homes can be more elaborate than homes themselves.
Class A motor homes are usually utilized by famous bands especially when they are in tour. There are also some rich families that own Class A motor homes for vacation and travel. A Class A motor home is perfect for those who can afford its high cost. Most Class A motor homes have all leather interior, a wet bar, big screen TVs, an advanced sound system and other high technology that may not be available to lower income families.
Depending on the model and the floor plan a class A RV can accommodate up to 8 people. But all of this luxury comes at a price. New, lower-end models are sold at up to $50,000 US dollars while larger and much nicer class A RVs can even cost more than any house in many states coming in at about $300,000+. Class A RVs are really very expensive; in fact even used class A RV can still be sold for $30,000-$40,000. If you prefer luxury lines, you may start saving about $325,000 up to over $1 million if you prefer the crème de la crème of all RVs.
Last but not least are Class C motor homes. Class C motor homes can also come in very luxurious models or more economical ones depending on your budget. They are much lighter in weight, ranging only from 10,000 to 15,000 pounds and generally run from just under 20 to 44 feet in length. They are constructed on cutaway chassis depending on the model. The cab is usually similar to that of the truck with a bunk above plus a rear bedroom. Just like the class A, Class C motor homes have all the amenities of home including kitchen, bathroom, dinette, heating and air conditioning system, and an entertainment center for additional cost.
Dinettes are not always present in class C motor homes and if ever there is one included, it usually converts into a double bed. If a dinette is not present, two captain chairs are available instead. Sometimes, the motor homes contain a couch and chairs instead of captain chairs. The couch may also be turned into a sleeper couch.
Because of the overcab bed, a Class C motor home can sleep more than a comparable Class A motor home, accommodating up to 10 people are accommodated. The cost of class C motor homes ranges from $50,000 to $170,000.
The common features of Class A and Class C motor homes are their slide-out wherein with a simple touch of a button the wall of the living room expands outwards to extend the living space by several inches.
Another type of motor home is the Class B which is usually referred to as van conversion. Class B motor homes look like pop-top camper vans and are self contained but cramped compared to their big motor home counterparts. The advantage of purchasing a Class B motor home is in terms of handling and size that is if you don't want spacious motor home. They are usually promoted as a place to sleep more than what is deemed comfortable by most people. The class B motor home can also be used as a second car. Its price ranges from $38,000 to $75,000.
Motor homes are great for camping, road trips, or just simply living in style. If you are interested in purchasing a motor home, it is definitely wise to take time to do some comparison shopping and research as these motor homes can prove to be very expensive.
Why Hybrid Car Drivers Need Thick Skin
Buying a hybrid car is more than a calculated decision to save fuel. It is a statement about "saving the planet".
Even if the chances are pretty slim that hybrid technology will actually make much difference, it gives hybrid owners the right to feel superior. After all, they care about the planet. And the rest of the world obviously doesn't.
But if you're one of those hybrid owners you'd better be ready to lose some friends. Here's why...
1. You're Driving Way Too Slow
In theory at least, hybrid owners are the antithesis of those guys who just ache to get in that passing lane and leave the rest of us behind. You know the type...you're minding your own business coming out onto the expressway and the otherwise ordinary guy in the vehicle behind you swings out and passes even before you've hit the highway.
Hybrid owners seem to do just the opposite. You've known for years that driving slow saves fuel. So you're likely to be driving under the speed limit rather than over like the rest of the world.
The fact that you're driving a hybrid just makes it worse, since you know that all the potential savings are squandered if you try to go fast.
Especially when you're accelerating. That guy in the high powered vehicle who pulls out and passes... the thought of saving gas has never crossed his mind. But hydrid owners know better. For you it's a moral duty to save fuel. The fate of the planet depends on it. So there's no way you're going to try any of that fast acceleration stuff.
2. What's with the Pulse and Glide Stuff
You've been told that "pulse and glide" can make a serious difference to your gas milage. That's where you accelerate (conservatively) to the speed limit, and then let the car "glide" to 10 or more miles per hour below the speed limit. Repeat this procedure. Repeat this procedure. Repeat this procedure...
I once had a friend who drove like this. I thought he was dozing off between pulses, but now I know differently. He was actually doing the environmentally responsible thing.
My friend's driving habits aside, this practice is not going to endear you to all the rest of the drivers who can't figure out why you keep slowing down. It's probably smart to speed up just a little when you find yourself in anything other than the "slow" lane.
All bets are off when they let you use the carpool lane.
3. You Just Won't Inch Forward Will You!
Everybody else in the world knows that you must "inch" forward during stop and go traffic. How else are you going to keep up with the driver in front. Besides, if you leave more than about a 15' gap between you and the guy ahead somebody's going to jump into the gap and slow you down even more.
Hybrid drivers have been told this "inching forward" stuff is pointless and wastes fuel. And the way they build hybrids these days they've got a point. When you take your foot off the brake pedal the auto-stop turns off and the gasoline engine restarts -- like one of those gasoline engine golf carts. And there goes most of your gas savings. All those stops and starts just eat up the gas.
But don't expect your mono-drive cousins to understand. They've only got one thing in mind: to get wherever they're going just as fast as possible. And everybody knows that racing up behind the guy in front is the only way to make that happen.
4. Do you really think you should be drafting me like that?
The responsible hybrid owner will make use of every advantage to save gas. And drafting larger vehicles is one technique that the more aggressive will try. That's where you pull right up behind a semi, a van, or an SUV and try to stay in the pocket of air they are pulling along behind them.
I remember doing this with an old '65 Beetle a few years back. We were travelling along the New York Thruway drafting semis. We were making great time and saving lots of gas... until we blew a rod.
Of course, sticking on someone's bumper will not endear you to too many of your fellow drivers. And as I discovered, it's a bit dangerous too. You'll find yourself going quite a bit faster than you otherwise would go. And whipping along in that back-draft does not do a lot for your stability.
Just try to remember, when you're out there on the highway trying to save the planet, the rest of the world could care less about your morally superiour driving habits. All they want to do is get where they're going as fast as they can.
Even if the chances are pretty slim that hybrid technology will actually make much difference, it gives hybrid owners the right to feel superior. After all, they care about the planet. And the rest of the world obviously doesn't.
But if you're one of those hybrid owners you'd better be ready to lose some friends. Here's why...
1. You're Driving Way Too Slow
In theory at least, hybrid owners are the antithesis of those guys who just ache to get in that passing lane and leave the rest of us behind. You know the type...you're minding your own business coming out onto the expressway and the otherwise ordinary guy in the vehicle behind you swings out and passes even before you've hit the highway.
Hybrid owners seem to do just the opposite. You've known for years that driving slow saves fuel. So you're likely to be driving under the speed limit rather than over like the rest of the world.
The fact that you're driving a hybrid just makes it worse, since you know that all the potential savings are squandered if you try to go fast.
Especially when you're accelerating. That guy in the high powered vehicle who pulls out and passes... the thought of saving gas has never crossed his mind. But hydrid owners know better. For you it's a moral duty to save fuel. The fate of the planet depends on it. So there's no way you're going to try any of that fast acceleration stuff.
2. What's with the Pulse and Glide Stuff
You've been told that "pulse and glide" can make a serious difference to your gas milage. That's where you accelerate (conservatively) to the speed limit, and then let the car "glide" to 10 or more miles per hour below the speed limit. Repeat this procedure. Repeat this procedure. Repeat this procedure...
I once had a friend who drove like this. I thought he was dozing off between pulses, but now I know differently. He was actually doing the environmentally responsible thing.
My friend's driving habits aside, this practice is not going to endear you to all the rest of the drivers who can't figure out why you keep slowing down. It's probably smart to speed up just a little when you find yourself in anything other than the "slow" lane.
All bets are off when they let you use the carpool lane.
3. You Just Won't Inch Forward Will You!
Everybody else in the world knows that you must "inch" forward during stop and go traffic. How else are you going to keep up with the driver in front. Besides, if you leave more than about a 15' gap between you and the guy ahead somebody's going to jump into the gap and slow you down even more.
Hybrid drivers have been told this "inching forward" stuff is pointless and wastes fuel. And the way they build hybrids these days they've got a point. When you take your foot off the brake pedal the auto-stop turns off and the gasoline engine restarts -- like one of those gasoline engine golf carts. And there goes most of your gas savings. All those stops and starts just eat up the gas.
But don't expect your mono-drive cousins to understand. They've only got one thing in mind: to get wherever they're going just as fast as possible. And everybody knows that racing up behind the guy in front is the only way to make that happen.
4. Do you really think you should be drafting me like that?
The responsible hybrid owner will make use of every advantage to save gas. And drafting larger vehicles is one technique that the more aggressive will try. That's where you pull right up behind a semi, a van, or an SUV and try to stay in the pocket of air they are pulling along behind them.
I remember doing this with an old '65 Beetle a few years back. We were travelling along the New York Thruway drafting semis. We were making great time and saving lots of gas... until we blew a rod.
Of course, sticking on someone's bumper will not endear you to too many of your fellow drivers. And as I discovered, it's a bit dangerous too. You'll find yourself going quite a bit faster than you otherwise would go. And whipping along in that back-draft does not do a lot for your stability.
Just try to remember, when you're out there on the highway trying to save the planet, the rest of the world could care less about your morally superiour driving habits. All they want to do is get where they're going as fast as they can.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Volvo Cars Manufacturer
Volvo Cars
Volvo Cars or Volvo Personvagnar is a manufacturer of luxury cars from Sweden, founded in 1927 in the city of Göteborg, Sweden.
Volvo was founded as a subsidiary manufacturer of bearings (kolaher), SKF. In 1935, AB Volvo is registered in the Swedish Stock Exchange since SKF sold most of its stake in the company. Volvo Cars to be owned by AB Volvo until 1999, and shares purchased by Ford Motor Company. Ford put the Volvo in the ranks of their main car with Jaguar, Land Rover, and Aston Martin. Volvo is a company that produces luxury cars of the type of SUVs, station wagons, sedans, executive sedans to compact, and the coupe. Rival is the Acura, Alfa Romeo, Audi, BMW, Cadillac, Infiniti, Lancia, Lexus, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen and Saab. Volvo Cars has more than 2,500 dealers in various parts of the world. 60 percent of sales come from Europe, 30 percent of North America, and 10 percent came from other parts of the world. In the North American market, Volvo's market share declined, but in Russia, China, and India actually increased. Precisely, Volvo plans for sales in Russia more than doubled and exceeded 20,000 units by the end of 2007, making Russia as one of the ten largest market of this company. Volvo has become one of the largest manufacturers of luxury cars in Russia.
Volvo cars are known as cars are comfortable, stable, secure, and durable. [Citation needed] These models are often compared with the length of the tractor, one of them because Volvo AB was and still a heavy equipment manufacturer who formerly named Bolinder- Munktell and now called Volvo Construction Equipment. Volvo Cars is considered by some to be a slow and heavy car, and dubbed the "brick" (brick) because of its classical form a square (turbonya variation known as "turbo brick." Models later had left the square shape favored in the 1970s and 1980s, and began to build the image in the field of automotive sport. However, this new work done after the Volvo 240 turbo factory-backed Rally Car has won the European Championship in 1985 and Australian Car Rally Championship in 1986 . Volvo 850 series stationwagon managed to reach the top position in the British Car Rally Championship in 1995.
Among other car manufacturers, Volvo has more loyal users. [Citation needed] The Volvo owners feel proud when his car managed to reach a new record number of miles that have been taken. One well-documented is the 1965 Volvo P1800S who has traveled a distance of more than 4.2 million kilometers (2.6 million miles). According to some sources, the average age of a Volvo being dumped is 19.8 years, ranked no. 2 after the Mercedes-Benz. Volvo Cars is considered more reliable than the average , and in the United States, Volvo is included in the list of the best car o (no. 9) and best luxury car (no. 6), compiled by Forbes.
Volvo Group
Volvo is a Swedish maker of transportation facilities. This company produces trucks, buses, construction equipment, drive system (drive system) to marine equipment and industrial applications, aircraft spare parts, and finance companies. Companies that formerly was the car manufacturer was founded on April 14, 1927 in Göteborg, Sweden as a subsidiary of SKF, the company that manufactures bearings (kolaher). Volvo has been removed from the list of NASDAQ in June 2007 but is still listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange .
Volvo is the word in Latin means "I roll", which is another form of the word "volvere". The name Volvo was originally registered in May 1911 as a separate company within SKF AB and as a trade mark which is planned to be used for bearing special series, but this idea is only used briefly. SKF decided to use "SKF" as a trademark for all its bearing products.
The company AB Volvo had no activities nothing until August 10, 1926. Sales manager, Assar Gabrielsson, and engineer, Gustav Larson, form maker AB Volvo as a company car within SKF Group only with preparation for a year, including produce ten prototype. AB Volvo listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange in 1935 and SKF decided to sell its shares in the company.
Volvo Car series which was first produced, Volvo OV 4, out of the factory on April 14, 1927. This date became the official date of founding of Volvo.
In 1998, Volvo sold the car division to Ford. According to the news of the Ten Gears (en) Ford might sell Volvo to BMW's division in the near future.
Volvo Group's history
Volvo Group started in 1927 when the first Volvo car speeding away from the factory in Göteborg. That year, made only 297 cars made. The first truck, series 1, began in January 1928. In 1930, Volvo sold 639 cars and trucks exported to Europe began soon thereafter. Volvo Cars is not well known outside Sweden before World War II ended.
Marine machines have become part of this group is almost as long as the truck. Pentaverken, founded in 1907, controlled by Volvo Group in 1935. However, since 1929, U-21 outboard engine was introduced, and manufacturing continued until 1962.
The first bus, named B1, was launched in 1934 and aircraft engines were added to the range of Volvo products are increasingly developed in the early 1940s.
On January 28, 1998, Volvo Group sold the Volvo Car Company to Ford Motor Company for $ 6.45 million USD. Volvo Group is now only focus on commercial vehicles. Volvo Group's position in the field of commercial vehicles is strengthened by taking control of Renault Trucks and Mack Trucks in 2001, and thus this group began to open branches in France and the United States.
In the last ten years, the Volvo Group's growth in services is very fast with, for example, providing financial solutions to support the sale of its manufacturing units.
In 2007, the Volvo Group's truck division mastered owned Nissan Nissan Diesel Motors to support their development in the Asian region.
Volvo trademark
Brand management company, Volvo Trademark Holding AB, jointly owned by AB Volvo and Volvo Car Corporation.
The main activity of this company is as owner, manager, protector, and guardian of brand-VOLVO trademark in the name and license the right to use to its owners. Their daily activities focused on managing a global portfolio of trademark registration, registration and broaden the scope of protection of trademarks registered trademark VOLVO.
Which also includes the company's principal activity is to crack down on registration-registration is not official and the use of (including forgery) which brands of similar trade or similar brands VOLVO trademark throughout the world.
selling brands including he VOLVO VOLVO, VOLVO device marks (Slash & Iron Grille Mark) and VOLVO PENTA.
Activity sponsorship
One of the promotional activities of the trade mark VOLVO is a sailboat race the Volvo Ocean Race, formerly known as the Whitbread Around the World Race. There is also a Volvo Baltic Race and Volvo Pacific Race. Volvo also strengthen its image by sponsoring golf tournaments all over the world including include major events, namely the Volvo Masters and Volvo China Open.
Volvo sponsored the Volvo Ocean Race, round the world yacht racing's most prestigious for the first time in 2001 to 2002. The next race will be held in 2008. Volvo also has a long-term commitment to the ISAF and is involved in the race the Volvo / ISAF World Youth Sailing since 1997.
Volvo also sponsored the World Championship Show Jumping from started in 1979 to 1999
Volvo Cars or Volvo Personvagnar is a manufacturer of luxury cars from Sweden, founded in 1927 in the city of Göteborg, Sweden.
Volvo was founded as a subsidiary manufacturer of bearings (kolaher), SKF. In 1935, AB Volvo is registered in the Swedish Stock Exchange since SKF sold most of its stake in the company. Volvo Cars to be owned by AB Volvo until 1999, and shares purchased by Ford Motor Company. Ford put the Volvo in the ranks of their main car with Jaguar, Land Rover, and Aston Martin. Volvo is a company that produces luxury cars of the type of SUVs, station wagons, sedans, executive sedans to compact, and the coupe. Rival is the Acura, Alfa Romeo, Audi, BMW, Cadillac, Infiniti, Lancia, Lexus, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen and Saab. Volvo Cars has more than 2,500 dealers in various parts of the world. 60 percent of sales come from Europe, 30 percent of North America, and 10 percent came from other parts of the world. In the North American market, Volvo's market share declined, but in Russia, China, and India actually increased. Precisely, Volvo plans for sales in Russia more than doubled and exceeded 20,000 units by the end of 2007, making Russia as one of the ten largest market of this company. Volvo has become one of the largest manufacturers of luxury cars in Russia.
Volvo cars are known as cars are comfortable, stable, secure, and durable. [Citation needed] These models are often compared with the length of the tractor, one of them because Volvo AB was and still a heavy equipment manufacturer who formerly named Bolinder- Munktell and now called Volvo Construction Equipment. Volvo Cars is considered by some to be a slow and heavy car, and dubbed the "brick" (brick) because of its classical form a square (turbonya variation known as "turbo brick." Models later had left the square shape favored in the 1970s and 1980s, and began to build the image in the field of automotive sport. However, this new work done after the Volvo 240 turbo factory-backed Rally Car has won the European Championship in 1985 and Australian Car Rally Championship in 1986 . Volvo 850 series stationwagon managed to reach the top position in the British Car Rally Championship in 1995.
Among other car manufacturers, Volvo has more loyal users. [Citation needed] The Volvo owners feel proud when his car managed to reach a new record number of miles that have been taken. One well-documented is the 1965 Volvo P1800S who has traveled a distance of more than 4.2 million kilometers (2.6 million miles). According to some sources, the average age of a Volvo being dumped is 19.8 years, ranked no. 2 after the Mercedes-Benz. Volvo Cars is considered more reliable than the average , and in the United States, Volvo is included in the list of the best car o (no. 9) and best luxury car (no. 6), compiled by Forbes.
Volvo Group
Volvo is a Swedish maker of transportation facilities. This company produces trucks, buses, construction equipment, drive system (drive system) to marine equipment and industrial applications, aircraft spare parts, and finance companies. Companies that formerly was the car manufacturer was founded on April 14, 1927 in Göteborg, Sweden as a subsidiary of SKF, the company that manufactures bearings (kolaher). Volvo has been removed from the list of NASDAQ in June 2007 but is still listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange .
Volvo is the word in Latin means "I roll", which is another form of the word "volvere". The name Volvo was originally registered in May 1911 as a separate company within SKF AB and as a trade mark which is planned to be used for bearing special series, but this idea is only used briefly. SKF decided to use "SKF" as a trademark for all its bearing products.
The company AB Volvo had no activities nothing until August 10, 1926. Sales manager, Assar Gabrielsson, and engineer, Gustav Larson, form maker AB Volvo as a company car within SKF Group only with preparation for a year, including produce ten prototype. AB Volvo listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange in 1935 and SKF decided to sell its shares in the company.
Volvo Car series which was first produced, Volvo OV 4, out of the factory on April 14, 1927. This date became the official date of founding of Volvo.
In 1998, Volvo sold the car division to Ford. According to the news of the Ten Gears (en) Ford might sell Volvo to BMW's division in the near future.
Volvo Group's history
Volvo Group started in 1927 when the first Volvo car speeding away from the factory in Göteborg. That year, made only 297 cars made. The first truck, series 1, began in January 1928. In 1930, Volvo sold 639 cars and trucks exported to Europe began soon thereafter. Volvo Cars is not well known outside Sweden before World War II ended.
Marine machines have become part of this group is almost as long as the truck. Pentaverken, founded in 1907, controlled by Volvo Group in 1935. However, since 1929, U-21 outboard engine was introduced, and manufacturing continued until 1962.
The first bus, named B1, was launched in 1934 and aircraft engines were added to the range of Volvo products are increasingly developed in the early 1940s.
On January 28, 1998, Volvo Group sold the Volvo Car Company to Ford Motor Company for $ 6.45 million USD. Volvo Group is now only focus on commercial vehicles. Volvo Group's position in the field of commercial vehicles is strengthened by taking control of Renault Trucks and Mack Trucks in 2001, and thus this group began to open branches in France and the United States.
In the last ten years, the Volvo Group's growth in services is very fast with, for example, providing financial solutions to support the sale of its manufacturing units.
In 2007, the Volvo Group's truck division mastered owned Nissan Nissan Diesel Motors to support their development in the Asian region.
Volvo trademark
Brand management company, Volvo Trademark Holding AB, jointly owned by AB Volvo and Volvo Car Corporation.
The main activity of this company is as owner, manager, protector, and guardian of brand-VOLVO trademark in the name and license the right to use to its owners. Their daily activities focused on managing a global portfolio of trademark registration, registration and broaden the scope of protection of trademarks registered trademark VOLVO.
Which also includes the company's principal activity is to crack down on registration-registration is not official and the use of (including forgery) which brands of similar trade or similar brands VOLVO trademark throughout the world.
selling brands including he VOLVO VOLVO, VOLVO device marks (Slash & Iron Grille Mark) and VOLVO PENTA.
Activity sponsorship
One of the promotional activities of the trade mark VOLVO is a sailboat race the Volvo Ocean Race, formerly known as the Whitbread Around the World Race. There is also a Volvo Baltic Race and Volvo Pacific Race. Volvo also strengthen its image by sponsoring golf tournaments all over the world including include major events, namely the Volvo Masters and Volvo China Open.
Volvo sponsored the Volvo Ocean Race, round the world yacht racing's most prestigious for the first time in 2001 to 2002. The next race will be held in 2008. Volvo also has a long-term commitment to the ISAF and is involved in the race the Volvo / ISAF World Youth Sailing since 1997.
Volvo also sponsored the World Championship Show Jumping from started in 1979 to 1999
luxury car,
Top 10 luxury cars,
world automotive
Ayrton senna Biography
Ayrton Senna (born in Sao Paulo, Brazil, March 21, 1960 - died in Bologna, Italy, May 1, 1994 at age 34 years) is a former Formula 1 racing driver from Brazil. He is the Formula 1 world champion in 1988, 1990, and 1991.
Senna was driving for four teams namely Toleman, Lotus, McLaren, and Williams. Couples with world champion Alain Prost for the McLaren team in 1988 he became the first world champion in Formula 1. Feud with Prost often remembered as one of the greatest once bitterest feud in the history of Formula 1. Several others are rivals Senna Nelson Piquet and Nigel Mansell.
Senna is known for kehebatannnya in a Formula 1 car driving in the wet circuit. Senna is often dubbed as "The Rain Man. Prowess on the track wet can be seen in the Monaco Grand Prix 1984 where the car is less qualified him to second place, his first victory was so dominant at Portugal GP 1985, and at the European Grand Prix 1993. At the 1993 European Grand Prix circuit at Donington, England, Senna in a distance less than one lap managed to become leader after a race in fifth position. Senna is also often called the Master of Monaco because he won the Monaco GP 6 times. Other Senna's greatness is that he very good at qualifying. He noted the pole position 65 times in 162 races before broken by Michael Schumacher who recorded the pole 65 times in 236 races. Brazilian Grand Prix victory in 1991 and the Japanese GP in 1988 are some examples of his best performances. Throughout his career, Senna has won 41 Grand Prix.
He died of a severe accident at the Tamburello corner while leading the race at San Marino GP at Imola Circuit along with the Williams team on May 1, 1994.
Senna was driving for four teams namely Toleman, Lotus, McLaren, and Williams. Couples with world champion Alain Prost for the McLaren team in 1988 he became the first world champion in Formula 1. Feud with Prost often remembered as one of the greatest once bitterest feud in the history of Formula 1. Several others are rivals Senna Nelson Piquet and Nigel Mansell.
Senna is known for kehebatannnya in a Formula 1 car driving in the wet circuit. Senna is often dubbed as "The Rain Man. Prowess on the track wet can be seen in the Monaco Grand Prix 1984 where the car is less qualified him to second place, his first victory was so dominant at Portugal GP 1985, and at the European Grand Prix 1993. At the 1993 European Grand Prix circuit at Donington, England, Senna in a distance less than one lap managed to become leader after a race in fifth position. Senna is also often called the Master of Monaco because he won the Monaco GP 6 times. Other Senna's greatness is that he very good at qualifying. He noted the pole position 65 times in 162 races before broken by Michael Schumacher who recorded the pole 65 times in 236 races. Brazilian Grand Prix victory in 1991 and the Japanese GP in 1988 are some examples of his best performances. Throughout his career, Senna has won 41 Grand Prix.
He died of a severe accident at the Tamburello corner while leading the race at San Marino GP at Imola Circuit along with the Williams team on May 1, 1994.
Publish Post
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Most Beautiful Car In The World (Alfa Romeo 1937)
The car was created not just to show off the engine or power his greatness, but Also the car was created as a beautiful work of art.
To create a list of the most beautiful car in the world, Forbes magazine asked a group of experts to judge and give the nomination. The jury was asked to provide a list of cars in different eras and manufacturers that beauty is undeniable.
In the list of the most beautiful cars in the world have Alfa Romeo output in 1937 to a Porsche 911, which is still produced. All these cars have the appearance that will be able to amaze the entire generation.
From the results of the judging it, which was considered the most beautiful car in the world and throughout history is the 1937 Alfa Romeo output. Even Rob Myers, founder of RM Auto, famous antique car auction houses in Canada, said that Alfa Romeo output in 1937 is one of the most beautiful thing in the world and throughout history.
Vehicles from the 1937 Another entry in the list of most beautiful cars in the world are Delahaye 135MS Figoni et Falascgi and Mercedes-Benz 540K Special Roadster. While the output in 1938 is a year younger Talbot-Lago T-CSS.
Why are so many cars of the 1930s that goes into this list? Motor vehicle production was reaching its highest point in terms of resources and enthusiasm in the period between World Wars I and World War II, which has brought production cars that period into the design and artistic levels are high.
Each model is updated at least every two years, and every year is produced with a different model from the previous year. The cars produced a serious work of art that is unique, not like today, which is made from the model produced by another company.
Art Inspired by Ian Cameron, Rolls-Royce designers leaders declared that music is one of inspiration from the creation of a car. For Rolls-Royce chief designer of the new 200EX, creating a car can be likened to playing in a band. "You start with an hour session, and at any given point will turn into a melody," he said.
Design plays an important role in the entry of Porsche 911 on the list of world's most beautiful car this time. Although this model is not as attractive as other models in the list, but the fact that this model can survive for fifty years without any changes, means an indicator of the genius of its creator in the early 1960s ago. This will be very difficult to expect from modern cars.
According to experts, the current car manufacturers did not bother to create designs that can have profound and high value for collectors. The lack of artistic beauty of the modern model is one result of financial difficulties experienced by manufacturers of world manufacturing. According to experts, the cars produced at this time no more than a disposable diaper that can be discarded. Pathetic is not it?
To create a list of the most beautiful car in the world, Forbes magazine asked a group of experts to judge and give the nomination. The jury was asked to provide a list of cars in different eras and manufacturers that beauty is undeniable.
In the list of the most beautiful cars in the world have Alfa Romeo output in 1937 to a Porsche 911, which is still produced. All these cars have the appearance that will be able to amaze the entire generation.
From the results of the judging it, which was considered the most beautiful car in the world and throughout history is the 1937 Alfa Romeo output. Even Rob Myers, founder of RM Auto, famous antique car auction houses in Canada, said that Alfa Romeo output in 1937 is one of the most beautiful thing in the world and throughout history.
Vehicles from the 1937 Another entry in the list of most beautiful cars in the world are Delahaye 135MS Figoni et Falascgi and Mercedes-Benz 540K Special Roadster. While the output in 1938 is a year younger Talbot-Lago T-CSS.
Why are so many cars of the 1930s that goes into this list? Motor vehicle production was reaching its highest point in terms of resources and enthusiasm in the period between World Wars I and World War II, which has brought production cars that period into the design and artistic levels are high.
Each model is updated at least every two years, and every year is produced with a different model from the previous year. The cars produced a serious work of art that is unique, not like today, which is made from the model produced by another company.
Art Inspired by Ian Cameron, Rolls-Royce designers leaders declared that music is one of inspiration from the creation of a car. For Rolls-Royce chief designer of the new 200EX, creating a car can be likened to playing in a band. "You start with an hour session, and at any given point will turn into a melody," he said.
Design plays an important role in the entry of Porsche 911 on the list of world's most beautiful car this time. Although this model is not as attractive as other models in the list, but the fact that this model can survive for fifty years without any changes, means an indicator of the genius of its creator in the early 1960s ago. This will be very difficult to expect from modern cars.
According to experts, the current car manufacturers did not bother to create designs that can have profound and high value for collectors. The lack of artistic beauty of the modern model is one result of financial difficulties experienced by manufacturers of world manufacturing. According to experts, the cars produced at this time no more than a disposable diaper that can be discarded. Pathetic is not it?
luxury car,
Top 10 luxury cars,
world automotive
Enzo Ferrari Biography And Story About Ferrari
Ferrari is a manufacturer of racing cars and sports cars the Italian high-performance-based in Maranello, Italy. Founded by Enzo Ferrari in 1929, as "Scuderia Ferrari", and fabrication company menaja race car driver before moving into production of commercial vehicles that are recognized as a Ferrari in 1947. Throughout its history, the company has participated at the latest in the racing world, especially in Formula One, where it has been a huge success.
is a manufacturer of racing cars and high-performance sports car which was founded by Enzo Ferrari in 1929. At first, Scuderia Ferrari sponsored drivers and manufactures race cars, the company is now also developing an independent car production in 1946, and later became Ferrari SpA, and is now controlled by the Fiat group. The company is based in Maranello, near Modena, Italy.
Ferrari also took part in Formula One competition. One of the drivers is the famous seven-time world champion Michael Schumacher.
Enzo Ferrari is a founder of the luxury sports car company Ferrari. Originally Enzo is a founder of the Scuderia Ferrari racing team and later became part of the Ferrari automobile products. He was born in Modena, but in 1916, his father died of a flu pandemic. He built his company by making a few sports cars that use his name and given a symbol of Prancing Horse in 1929. Enzo was born February 18, 1898 and died August 14, 1988 at the age of 90 years.
Prancing Horse emblem was inspired by a painting that adorned the body of a fighter plane flown by Francesco Baracca in World War I. Ferrari originally put the engine in the front of the car, like the other cars. However, since 1961, Ferrari cars engine placed behind.
Born in Modena, Enzo Ferrari grew up with little formal education but he has a strong desire to become racers. During World War I, he served in the front row of the Italian army. His father, Alfredo, died in 1916 because pandemic flu is widespread in Italy at that time. Ferrari was also stricken with the flu and he was released from his job. When he arrived at his house, he learned that his family's finances in a state threatened. Ferrari tries to find a job at Fiat (an Italian car company), but failed, then he found a job in a smaller car company called CMN, the design used truck into a smaller car. He is also a racer in 1919 at the CMN team, but not so successful.
He left the CMN in 1920 and became a driver in the team Alfa Romeo (a car company in Italy), he managed to achieve more success than ever. In 1923, he followed the car racing in Ravenna and was awarded a badge of The Prancing Horse (horse jump) that decorate the plane Francesco Barraca (a leader of Italian troops). This logo is waiting for 9 years to finally wear the symbol of a racing car. In 1924, Ferrari won the Coppa Acerbo (a race car) in Pescara, Italy. He experienced success in local races and pushed Alpha to provide an opportunity to follow a more prestigious race. Ferrari did not take that chance and did not race until 1927. He continued to work directly for alfa romeo until 1929 before making the Scuderia Ferrari as the racing team for Alfa.
Ferrari regulate the activities of the Alfa cars and formed a team consisting of more than 40 drivers, including Giuseppe Campari and Tazio Nuvolari. Ferrari himself continued racing until the birth of her first child in 1932 (Alfredo Ferrari, known as Dino, who died in 1956).
Alfa Romeo ended in 1933 when financial problems make a withdraw alpha. Therefore the intervention of Pirelli, Ferrari did not receive the car at all. Because the quality of the Scuderia drivers, then the company has multiple victories (1935 in Germany was an exception). Brand mercedeslah auto union and who dominate the area.
is a manufacturer of racing cars and high-performance sports car which was founded by Enzo Ferrari in 1929. At first, Scuderia Ferrari sponsored drivers and manufactures race cars, the company is now also developing an independent car production in 1946, and later became Ferrari SpA, and is now controlled by the Fiat group. The company is based in Maranello, near Modena, Italy.
Ferrari also took part in Formula One competition. One of the drivers is the famous seven-time world champion Michael Schumacher.
Enzo Ferrari is a founder of the luxury sports car company Ferrari. Originally Enzo is a founder of the Scuderia Ferrari racing team and later became part of the Ferrari automobile products. He was born in Modena, but in 1916, his father died of a flu pandemic. He built his company by making a few sports cars that use his name and given a symbol of Prancing Horse in 1929. Enzo was born February 18, 1898 and died August 14, 1988 at the age of 90 years.
Prancing Horse emblem was inspired by a painting that adorned the body of a fighter plane flown by Francesco Baracca in World War I. Ferrari originally put the engine in the front of the car, like the other cars. However, since 1961, Ferrari cars engine placed behind.
Born in Modena, Enzo Ferrari grew up with little formal education but he has a strong desire to become racers. During World War I, he served in the front row of the Italian army. His father, Alfredo, died in 1916 because pandemic flu is widespread in Italy at that time. Ferrari was also stricken with the flu and he was released from his job. When he arrived at his house, he learned that his family's finances in a state threatened. Ferrari tries to find a job at Fiat (an Italian car company), but failed, then he found a job in a smaller car company called CMN, the design used truck into a smaller car. He is also a racer in 1919 at the CMN team, but not so successful.
Enzo Ferrari
Ferrari dominate F1 racing car
He left the CMN in 1920 and became a driver in the team Alfa Romeo (a car company in Italy), he managed to achieve more success than ever. In 1923, he followed the car racing in Ravenna and was awarded a badge of The Prancing Horse (horse jump) that decorate the plane Francesco Barraca (a leader of Italian troops). This logo is waiting for 9 years to finally wear the symbol of a racing car. In 1924, Ferrari won the Coppa Acerbo (a race car) in Pescara, Italy. He experienced success in local races and pushed Alpha to provide an opportunity to follow a more prestigious race. Ferrari did not take that chance and did not race until 1927. He continued to work directly for alfa romeo until 1929 before making the Scuderia Ferrari as the racing team for Alfa.
Ferrari regulate the activities of the Alfa cars and formed a team consisting of more than 40 drivers, including Giuseppe Campari and Tazio Nuvolari. Ferrari himself continued racing until the birth of her first child in 1932 (Alfredo Ferrari, known as Dino, who died in 1956).
Alfa Romeo ended in 1933 when financial problems make a withdraw alpha. Therefore the intervention of Pirelli, Ferrari did not receive the car at all. Because the quality of the Scuderia drivers, then the company has multiple victories (1935 in Germany was an exception). Brand mercedeslah auto union and who dominate the area.
Bangkok Motor Show (Charm Of Auto Show Girl)
Although somewhat less appropriate because of loneliness latest concept car, but the charm of Bangkok Motor Show can never fade. Who else if not for the girls of Bangkok is the center of attention.
Cars on display may not be much new, but once these girls posing, well another story. The visitors and photographers directly with alacrity snap here snap there.
On the first day of the Bangkok Motor Show on Wednesday, March 23, 2011 and, 2 girl action with the Chevrolet Cruze WTCC become the Star of the Show. Sexiness they are able to attract the visitors. Besides Cruze, Chevrolet also launched a new Colorado at here.
The visitors were women there who made tergeleng his head because of their action. Well ...
Meanwhile, the concept cars displayed this time at the Bangkok Motor Show actually been raised also in the other car shows.
Mitsubishi small car concept showcased the Global Small Concept, the car was first exhibited in Geneva, Switzerland. Suzuki Swift Range Extender installed, with a New KIA Picanto, Proton with streaky sports car concept.
Honda shows Honda Brio attract enough visitors. While Toyota is showing off the FT-EV II and FT-86 sports car.
Cars on display may not be much new, but once these girls posing, well another story. The visitors and photographers directly with alacrity snap here snap there.
On the first day of the Bangkok Motor Show on Wednesday, March 23, 2011 and, 2 girl action with the Chevrolet Cruze WTCC become the Star of the Show. Sexiness they are able to attract the visitors. Besides Cruze, Chevrolet also launched a new Colorado at here.
The visitors were women there who made tergeleng his head because of their action. Well ...
Meanwhile, the concept cars displayed this time at the Bangkok Motor Show actually been raised also in the other car shows.
Mitsubishi small car concept showcased the Global Small Concept, the car was first exhibited in Geneva, Switzerland. Suzuki Swift Range Extender installed, with a New KIA Picanto, Proton with streaky sports car concept.
Honda shows Honda Brio attract enough visitors. While Toyota is showing off the FT-EV II and FT-86 sports car.
auto show girl,
motor show,
world automotive
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Story About Dodge Car Brands
Dodge is a brand of car (SUV, MPV, pickup), produced and marketed by the Chrysler Group, LLC in 60 countries worldwide. Discovered as the Dodge Brothers Company in 1900 to supply parts from the automotive industry, Dodge started to create his own car full in 1914. This brand was sold to Chrysler in 1928.
The discovery and early establishment
Having founded the company Dodge Brothers Company by Horace and John Dodge in 1900, this company makes engine components and chassis of the vehicle. John Dodge in 1913 saying that he no longer willing to simply as "penyetok" for Henry Ford, then in 1914 he and Horace agreed to make a 4-cylinder vehicles (Dodge Model 30). They made this car has all-steel body, while most other companies still have the element of wood. Besides the existing 12 volt electrical system, (cars with 6 volt electrical system was still there until the 1950s) and a sliding-gear transmission. The company developed the Dodge brothers were successful because the quality is good, and the company soon became the second largest company by sales in the U.S. market in 1916.
Dodge Company continues to record good sales until 1920. But after that, John Dodge died of pneumonia in early January 1920. His brother, Horace, also died in December 1920 due to cirrhosis. Company Dodge brothers fell into the hands of their wives, who then lifted Frederick Haynes became president of the company. Dodge Model 30 was developed into Dodge Model 116, with basic construction and the same features.
Dodge models sold in North America today is the caliber, Avenger, Charger, Challanger, Viper, Journey, Nitro, and Grand Caravan.
The discovery and early establishment
Having founded the company Dodge Brothers Company by Horace and John Dodge in 1900, this company makes engine components and chassis of the vehicle. John Dodge in 1913 saying that he no longer willing to simply as "penyetok" for Henry Ford, then in 1914 he and Horace agreed to make a 4-cylinder vehicles (Dodge Model 30). They made this car has all-steel body, while most other companies still have the element of wood. Besides the existing 12 volt electrical system, (cars with 6 volt electrical system was still there until the 1950s) and a sliding-gear transmission. The company developed the Dodge brothers were successful because the quality is good, and the company soon became the second largest company by sales in the U.S. market in 1916.

Dodge models sold in North America today is the caliber, Avenger, Charger, Challanger, Viper, Journey, Nitro, and Grand Caravan.
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